全国: | 上海:
    类型 漂浮式
    用途 系泊
    应用 用于海港
    材料 聚乙烯, HDPE


除了我们成熟的钢管浮动码头系统系列,Kropf Industrial很高兴也能提供利用高密度聚乙烯管的浮动码头。这些管子,由Highland Floats制造,是市场上最高质量的高密度聚乙烯浮管。Kropf将这些浮筒与坚固的码头框架相结合,其特点是铝制横梁、螺栓连接的弦杆和双厚螺栓连接的裙板。其结果是最坚硬,最坚固,最稳定的HDPE管浮动码头。

除了我们的钢管浮动码头,Kropf Industrial也很高兴能成为Highland Floats在Parry Sound和周边地区的经销商。这些HDPE(高密度聚乙烯)浮筒是一个很好的选择,为客户寻找一个延长使用寿命,低维护,更容易交付和安装的选择。可用于商业或住宅应用,我们的HDPE(塑料)管道码头是市场上同类产品中最坚固的码头。


各部分使用带有重型不锈钢销的互锁钢琴式铰链连接在一起。这种铰链设计提供了一个强大而无声的连接,并防止了传统板式铰链耳常见的孔的 "长圆形 "现象。


In addition to our proven line of steel tube floating dock systems, Kropf Industrial is pleased to also offer floating docks utilizing high density polyethylene pipes. These pipes, manufactured by Highland Floats, are the highest quality HDPE float pipe on the market. Kropf has combined these floats with a robust dock frame featuring aluminum cross members, bolted stringers, and double-thick bolted skirt boards. The result is the stiffest, strongest, most stable HDPE pipe floating dock available.

In addition to our steel pipe floating docks, Kropf Industrial is also pleased to be a dealer for Highland Floats in Parry Sound and the surrounding region. These HDPE (high density polyethylene) floats are an excellent option for customers looking for an extended service life, low maintenance, and easier delivery and installation options. Available in commercial or residential applications, our HDPE (plastic) pipe docks are the strongest docks of their type available on the market.

Our HDPE pipe floating docks feature aluminum channel cross-members, so you are not relying on wood framing for the dock's structural integrity. 4" x 4" treated stringers are bolted to the aluminum crossers, as are double-thick 2' x 10" treated skirt boards. This framing ensures a dock that is robust and stiff, providing a more stable platform for you to enjoy. A variety of decking options are available for you to choose from

Sections are connected together using interlocking piano-style hinges with heavy-duty stainless steel pins. This hinge design provides a strong and silent connection, and prevents the "oblonging" of holes that is common to traditional plate hinge ears.