全国: | 上海:
    类型 漂浮式, 可调节
    用途 系泊
    应用 用于海港
    材料 木质


索伦特船舶公司(Solent Marine)的独特新设计 SIMBRO 是市场上首个通过螺栓连接的完全模块化浮桥系统。

SIMBRO 浮桥系统:
系泊指和浮桥的间距为 125 毫米,可任意定位和布局。
新型桩托架可按 50 毫米的间距定位
每隔 180 毫米可安装一个系泊夹板。
专门设计和开发的玻璃纤维加固混凝土浮筒,浮力高达 2.5kN/m²,高于推荐标准。

SIMBRO 系统的标准设计寿命为 25 年,但如果需要,也可延长至 35 年。钢结构系泊指具有很高的抗扭刚度,可确保出色的稳定性。

由于设计是完全模块化的,因此减轻了定位和重新定位的复杂性。因此,SIMBRO 浮桥系统的建造成本效益高,建造和安装耗时少。
模块化设计专门用于在敞篷集装箱或敞篷帘边拖车中运输,使 SIMBRO 成为出口到任何欧洲国家的理想选择。

SIMBRO 的建造和设计符合英国游艇港口协会的操作规范。


The unique new design from Solent Marine, SIMBRO, is the first through bolted, completely modular pontoon system on the market.

SIMBRO Pontoon System:
Mooring fingers and pontoons located at 125mm intervals to allow any orientation and layout.
The new pile brackets can be positioned at 50mm intervals
Facility for mooring cleats every 180mm.
Unique aluminium bearer design supports the deck and completely protected by neoprene rubber to isolate galvanic corrosion.
Large top entry service ducts provided on both sides of the walkways to allow easy provision of services to the berthing areas.
Triangular Plastic splays with rubber buttons for anti-slip properties.
Plastic finger ends
Specially designed and developed glass fibre reinforced concrete floats providing an exceptional buoyancy level of upto 2.5kn/m² - higher than recommended standards.

The SIMBRO system has a standard design life of 25 years, however this can be increased to 35 years if prefered. The steel structured mooring fingers are made to be torsionally very stiff, this ensures excellent stability.

As the design is completely modular it eases the complications of location & re-location. The construction of a SIMBRO pontoon system is therefore highly cost-effective and less time consuming to build & install.
The modular sections are designed specifically to be transported in an open top container or open top curtain sided trailer, making SIMBRO ideal for export to any European country.

SIMBRO is built and designed specifically to meet the Yacht Harbour Associations Code of Practise in the UK.