全国: | 上海:
    类型 漂浮式
    用途 工作
    应用 用于港口




• 专业知识 — 我们专注于工程橡胶浮桥的设计和制造,拥有超过 13 年的经验。

• 质量 — 我们所有的产品都符合行业认可的标准。 您可以放心使用我们的产品和系统解决方案服务。

• 服务 — 我们不仅提供客户设计和系统解决方案服务,以满足特殊需求,还提供现场技术协助。 我们随时随地为您服务。

• 价格 — 我们的产品价格比传统水下空气提气袋更经济,每吨浮力价格高出 30% 以上。

• 保修 — 我们所有的产品都符合 IMCA D 016 修订版 2007 年 6 月 3 日至 2007 年指南并实行一年的保修。


The engineering rubber pontoon have been used in different offshore construction applications, such as pipeline laying and cable installations.

Reasons for Choosing Nanhai Airbag

• Expertise–We focus exclusively on the design and the manufacture of the engineering rubber pontoons with more than 13 years of experiences in this field.

• Quality–All our products are complied with industry recognized standards. You can work with our products and system solution services with confidence.

• Service–We not only offer customer design and system solution services to meet special needs, but also provide on-site technical assistance. We are ready to respond whenever you need us.

• Price–Our products are more economical at price than traditional underwater air lift bags by over 30% in terms of price per ton in buoyancy.

• Warranty–All of our products are compliant with IMCA D 016 Rev. 3 - June 2007 guidelines and carry out a one-year warranty.