全国: | 上海:
    类型 漂浮式
    用途 系泊
    应用 用于水上乐园, 用于桨


我们的码头边教练站保证了正确的拉动几何形状,并提供亲身指导--而不是从发射台上进行指导。 对于新手和有经验的赛艇运动员来说,这是一个很好的工具,并且已经证明对于适应性运动员的工作是非常有价值的。 高度可调,它可以与任何码头相匹配--并使用C2可调节的脚部木屐和橡筋锁。

我们的教练站从左舷到右舷的切换非常容易,从你的码头上安装和拆除也是如此。 要从左舷切换到右舷,可以用手松开旋钮,然后,手臂将旋转180度。 这很简单,也很快速,就像将该站切换为划艇或扫艇站一样。

将划艇站固定在码头上所需的安装板只有1/2英寸高--而且一旦划艇站被拆除,几乎看不出来。 与所有Piantedosi设计的设备一样,这个教练站使用简单,经久耐用。


Our Dockside Coaching Station guarantees correct pulling geometry and offers hands-on coaching – rather than coaching from a launch. It’s an excellent tool for novice and experienced rowers and has proven to be invaluable for working with adaptive athletes. Height adjustable, it can match any dock – and uses C2 adjustable foot clogs and oarlocks.

The ease with which our coaching station switches from port to starboard is remarkable, as is the installation and removal from your dock. To switch from port to starboard, the knobs can be loosened by hand and then, the arm will pivot 180 degrees. It’s simple and fast, as is switching the station for use as either a sculling or sweep rowing station.

The mounting plates required to secure the station to your dock are only ½” tall – and are barely noticeable, once the station has been removed. And as with all Piantedosi-designed rigs, this coaching station is simple to use and built to last.