全国: | 上海:
    类型 漂浮式, 可调节
    用途 工作
    应用 用于海港, 专业捕鱼船用, 用于港口,
    用于水上乐园, 水产养殖, 大型活动,
    用于渡轮, 内陆水域, 船坞
    其他特性 定制, 重载荷
    长度 最多: 50 m(164'00" )
    最少: 4 m(13'01" )


专业生产钢制浮桥。可用作游艇码头的浮动船坞或海...机械(如挖泥船)的平台。总宽度可达 15 米,吃水 1.5 米。用于内河航道

过去几年,我们的 Barkmet 船厂生产了许多浮桥和浮桥组。
如图所示,浮桥由 8 块所谓的 "浮体 "组成,浮体之间必须自由连接。
浮桥的钢结构和连接销钉由特殊的 "A 级 "钢材制成。
浮桥的整个建造过程都是在 CS Lloyd 的监督下进行的。


Professional production of steel pontoons. Intended to operate as floating docks for marinas or as platforms for naval machinery, such as dredgers. Possible to produce up to total width of 15m and 1.5m draught. Intended for inland waterways

Past few years, our shipyard Barkmet, a.s., has produced many pontoons and sets.
As per pictures, in particular, consists of 8 pieces of so-called “floats” which must be freely interconnected with each other.
After all necessary operational tests, including floatability and connectivity, the pontoons were successfully passed on to the customer, who will use them as a platform for the work of dredgers and boreholes.
The steel structure of the pontoons and the connecting pins are made of special “class A” steel.
The whole building process of the pontoons has been under the supervision of CS Lloyd.