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    系统 弹性杆系统


Hazelett 养护型弹性系泊系统是传统球链系泊系统的先进替代品。 从锚向上看,我们的系统包括用于连接锚或锚块的镀锌硬件、用于保持部件漂浮的硬拖网浮子、一根或多根弹性杆、一个撑杆浮标和一个不锈钢转环。

我们建议使用螺旋锚或混凝土块来固定我们的弹性杆系统。 我们备有用于 1 ½" Helix 锚杆的定制顶部终端配件,可方便地将弹性绳索连接到 Helix 锚上。

用 Hazelett 弹性杆代替链条,将我们的 spar 浮标连接到锚上。 杆由聚氨酯浇铸而成,两端压有聚乙烯顶针。该设计基于二十多年的研发。所有 Hazelett 弹性杆都在我们的工厂进行检查、序列化和负载测试。

Hazelett Marine 生产两种类型的撑杆浮标。 第一种由 4 英寸铝管制成,两端焊接有铸铝。 它们可以用钢丸压载。建议仅在淡水中使用。

第二种由聚乙烯制成。 它先用混凝土预压,然后再填充泡沫塑料。这种类型的撑杆浮标顶部有一个口袋,里面装有一个不锈钢转环,中间还有一根管子,可以将绳索从转环连接到弹性绳索上。


The Hazelett Conservation Elastic Mooring System is an advanced alternative over traditional ball and chain moorings. From the anchor upwards, our system consists of galvanized hardware for attaching to the anchor or block, hard trawl floats to keep the components afloat, one or more elastic rodes, a spar buoy, and a stainless steel swivel. We recommend Helix anchors or concrete blocks for securing to our elastic rode(s) system. We stock a custom top termination fitting for 1 ½" Helix anchor shafts, providing the easy connection of the elastic rode to a Helix anchor. Instead of chain, our spar buoy is connected to an anchor by Hazelett Elastic Rode(s). The rodes are manufactured of cast polyurethane, with polyethylene thimbles pressed into the ends. The design is based on over twenty years of research and development. All Hazelett Elastic Rodes are inspected, serialized, and load tested at our plant. Hazelett Marine makes two types of spar buoys. The first type is made of 4" aluminum tubing with cast aluminum ends welded on. They can be ballasted with steel shot. They are recommended for use in fresh water only. The second type is made of polyethylene. It is pre-ballasted with concrete and then filled with foam. This type of spar buoy has a pocket molded into the top that houses a stainless steel swivel, and it also has a tube through the center to allow a rope connection from the swivel to the elastic rode.