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    应用 用于电缆




- 由于溢出而造成污染。
- 软管被毁,需要花费大量费用进行维修或更换,而这本是可以避免的。
- 损坏补给船,使其无法运行。船舶和船员都可能面临危险。


FlowSafe 软管浮动装置由BACELL™制造 - 一种乙烯-醋酸乙烯(EVA)材料,根据我们内部开发的原材料配方制造。BACELL™是一种高度吸震、坚固和有弹性的材料,具有100%的水密性。相对于它的强度,BACELL™的密度非常低,因此具有很高的浮力。BACELL™材料的出色弹性在最大程度上防止了FlowSafe的收缩、变形或破裂。


FlowSafe hose flotation devices are used in various fields of marine activities, such as offshore oil- and gas industry and port facilities.

Transfer of fluid at sea is often associated with serious problems – especially in severe weather. During discharge, the hose sinks as it fills with water, slurry, or whatever is being pumped through the hose. Even slight movement of the vessel can cause the hose to come in contact with the propeller.

The consequences arising from a broken hose can be extreme:
- Contamination due to spillage.
- Destruction of the hose requiring repair or replacement at considerable cost that could have been avoided.
- Damage to the supply ship putting it out of operation. Both, the vessel and the crew may be exposed to danger.

With FlowSafe hose flotation device fitted around the transfer hose these problems may to a large degree be avoided. The hose will float in plain sight, making discharging much simpler and safer.

FlowSafe produced from environmentally friendly Bacell material
FlowSafe hose flotation devices are manufactured from BACELL™ - an ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) material made according to our in-house developed raw material recipe. BACELL™is a highly shock absorbent, strong and elastic material with 100% watertight cells. Relative to its strength, BACELL™ has very low density, resulting in high buoyancy. To the highest possible degree, the outstanding elasticity of the BACELL™ material prevents FlowSafe from shrinking, deforming or breaking