全国: | 上海:
    应用 浮桥, 用于电缆, 抛锚线用,
    用于水上房屋, 猫道, 用于管道
    其他特性 圆柱, 防脱盐


(1)码头浮筒的外壳由线型低密度聚乙烯 UR644 制成,采用滚塑工艺加工,一次成型。
(2)码头浮筒内部填充的发泡聚苯乙烯密度不小于 15kg/m³,即使码头浮筒表面意外损坏,码头浮筒也不会下沉。
(3) 码头浮筒外壳和内部的填充材料和制造工艺符合环保要求。




(1)The outer shell of a dock float is made of linear low density polyethylene UR644, and processed by rotational molding with one-time completion.
(2)The density of expanded polystyrene foam filled inside a dock float is not less than 15kg/m³.Even if the surface of a dock float is accidentally damaged, the dock float will not sink.
(3)The filling materials and manufacturing processes of the outer shell and inner part of the dock float conform to the requirements of environmental protection.
(4) All dock floats have high resistance of collision, temperature, corrosion and oxidation.
(5)All dock floats have long service life and low maintenance cost.

. Floating marina/dock/jetty, aquatic plank and floating platform etc.

. General specifications can refer to the attached table, and special specifications can be customized according to customer requirements.