全国: | 上海:
    类型 赛船
    用途 特殊标记
    其他特性 圆柱形


Ozone比赛浮标的开发是为了鼓励大家在当地的海滩上设立世界锦标赛比赛场地或趣味比赛场地。我们建议在浮标正下方的织带环上使用7公斤的重物。这样即使在强风中,也有足够的重量使浮标保持直立。您可以使用任何易于操作的砝码,只要其边缘不锋利,不会刺破比赛浮标的内部气囊即可。我们建议使用丹佛斯锚,因为它在所有类型的海床中都具有出色的固定能力。最佳设置是将丹佛斯锚与大约 2-3 米长的链条和绳索连接到浮标上。


The Ozone Race Buoy has been developed to help encourage anyone to set up a World Championship Race course or a fun race course at your local beach. Our Race buoy is inexpensive and pumps up using your normal kite pump.We recommend using 7kg of weight attached to the webbing loops directly below the Buoy. This gives enough weight to keep the Buoy upright even in strong winds. You can use any weight that is easy to handle as long as it has no sharp edges to puncture the Race Buoy’s internal bladder.The basic rule for anchoring is the length of the anchor line to be 3 x the depth of the water. We recommend to use a Danforth Anchor for its superior holding abilities in all types of seabeds. The optimum setup is to have the Danforth Anchor with approx 2-3m of chain and rope to the Buoy.