全国: | 上海:
    类型 信标
    用途 用于港口码头, 航道, 基点
    材料 卷绕聚乙烯, 发泡聚苯乙烯EPS
    可选颜色 黄色, 红色, 绿色
    直径 最多: 1,250 mm (49 in)
    高度 最多: 4,478 mm (176 in)


新的Balizamar EVO系列是Balizamar浮标的演变。在保持相同特点和型号的基础上,现在Balizamar EVO浮标更进一步:在结构上,滚塑聚乙烯模块件提高了可视性并减少了维护。它们的突出特点是易于组装和更换。结构是由浸泡过的镀锌钢制成,顶部标志是不锈钢。它的滚塑船体填充了闭孔EPS泡沫,保证了其浮力。



The new Balizamar EVO range is the evolution of Balizamar buoys. Maintaining the same characteristics and models, now the Balizamar EVO buoys go one step further: embracing the structure, rotomoulded polyethylene modular pieces improve visibility and reduce maintenance. They stand out for their easy assembly and replacement. The structure is made of galvanized steel by immersion and the top mark of stainless steel. Its rotomolded hull filled with closed cell EPS foam guarantees its buoyancy.

The B1250T buoy model has a 1250 mm diameter hull with a volume of 700 liters and tail-shaped. It is recommended for marking areas with little draft. It is an optimal buoy for beacons with a nominal range of 1 to 3 NM. These buoys are used for marking ports, marking concession limits, beaconing of shallows, delimiting work areas and provisional installations, dredging pipes and as mooring buoys.