全国: | 上海:
    类型 信标
    用途 沙滩标记
    其他特性 圆柱形


1. 单个 1500x750 圆柱形浮动屏障,由旋转的 LLHDPE 材料制成。 该组合材料具有高耐老化性,具有抗紫外线材料的性能,并在自然条件下保证使用寿命为 5 年或更长。
2. 每个浮动屏障都是一次性生产完成的。 它有一个无缝的表面,具有良好的外部整理。 鼓装满16公斤/M3 EPS 泡沫材料。 这是为了确保即使外部冲击造成损坏,也不会发生鼓内大量积水,从而导致沉没。
3. 浮动屏障中间穿过一个 Ø26 圆形酒吧,法兰为 150x10mm,两端为耳环。 它通过束缚和连接锚链连接到相邻的鼓。 这是为了确保有足够的张力,不会对鼓造成损坏。
4. 推荐颜色为蓝色或可根据业主的要求定制。

物物理上使船只远离地壁、工地、禁区和其他危险的水道区域。 出于安全目的 . 障碍物除了实际阻碍船只进入外,还提供了一个分界线,表明船只如果位于封锁区内,则已侵入。


1. A single 1500x750 cylindrical-shaped floating barrier, made from rotational LLHDPE material. The composition materials provide high corrosion resistance to aging,has anti-UV material properties, and a guaranteed lifespan of 5 years or longer, under the natural condition.
2. Each Floating barrier is completed as a one-time production. It has a seamless surface with good exterior finishing. The Drum is filled with 16KG/M3 EPS foam material. This is to ensure that even if there is damage caused by an external impact, accumulation of a large amount of water within the Drum, which leads to sinking, will not occur.
3. The middle of the Floating barrier passes through a Ø26 round bar, with the flange,150x10mm, and earrings on both ends. It is connected to the adjacent Drum by shackles and connecting anchor chains. This is to ensure that there is enough tension and will not cause damage to the Drum.
4. The recommended color is blue or may be customized, according to the requirements of the Owner.

Floating Barriers
Physically keep vessels away. from weir walls, worksites, prohibited areas, and other dangerous waterway areas. For security purposes…….apart from being a physical obstruction to vessel entry the barrier provides a demarcation line, which indicates that a vessel has intruded if it is present within the cordoned off area.