全国: | 上海:
    类型 下锚
    用途 水产养殖
    材料 泡沫, 卷绕聚乙烯
    其他特性 环形, 刚性


Aqualine 浮标有链条一路穿过和降压板,以防止身体受到损害,即使在大自然的力量最糟糕的情况下也是如此。 我们将帮助您找到支持您的系泊系统所需的浮标尺寸。

Aqualine 浮标:A
qua 浮标和 APB 浮标采用旋转模塑 PE 外壳制造,其抗压强度为 5m Vs,密度为 250kg/m3。 通过链在浮标的每一端使用浮标板,以防止浮标体受到任何损坏。 链条很容易被绑在锚定线上。 所有磨损部件均为标准部件,

Aqua 和 APB 浮标专为表面使用而设计,并配有 4 个黄色日光荧光反射盘。 1500 升及以上的浮标尺寸已经适用于 SABIK 灯笼。


Aqualine buoys have chains running all the way through and pressure-relief plates to prevent damage to the body even when the forces of nature do their worst. We will help you find the size of buoy required to support your mooring system.

Aqualine buoys:
The Aqua and APB buoys have been constructed by means of a rotation moulded PE shell filled with polystyrene foam (EPS) with a compressive strength of 5m Vs, density 250kg/m3. The passing chain is terminated in each end of the buoy by the use of relief plates which prevent any damage to the buoy body. The chain is easily shackled onto the anchoring line. All wearing parts are standard components and are easily replaced
when they are worn.

The Aqua and APB buoys have been designed for surface use and are equipped with 4 yellow daylight fluorescent reflector discs. Buoy sizes from 1500 litres and upwards have been adapted to SABIK lanterns.​