全国: | 上海:
    类型 下锚, 锚
    用途 用于港口码头
    材料 塑料



系泊浮标由热镀锌金属棒和 EPS 泡沫塑料浮标组成,此外,我们在浮标中使用了世界上独一无二的内管。 在普通浮标中,水进入浮标,其内部的 EPS 泡沫随着时间的推移吸收 5% 的水,导致浮力丧失。 我们的内管技术确保水不会达到 EPS,而浮标多年来保持相同的质量。

浮标有三种尺寸:40 升、60 升和 120 升,


系泊浮标锚的重量取决于:1)船舶的重量;2)帆表面;3) 水体底部的性质;
船尾链的长度(E)由公式给出:最大水深 + 1 米,开阔海系泊浮标链的长度是水深的三倍;
链的标称尺寸根据船只的重量选择。 锁扣的标称尺寸总是大于链条的大小(锁扣的紧固螺栓必须锁定并检查每个弹簧)。


Mooring buoys are robust, easy to handle, maintenance-free and resistant to UV light and freezing.

Mooring buoy consists of a hot-dip galvanized metal rod and an EPS-foam filled plastic float, in addition, we use an inner tube in the buoys that is unique in the world. In ordinary buoys, water enters the float, and the EPS foam inside it absorbs up to 5% of water over time, resulting in a loss of buoyancy. Our inner tube technology ensures that water does not reach the EPS and the buoy maintains the same quality over the years.

Buoys are available in three dimensions: 40 l, 60 l and 120 l.

To select the correct mooring buoy size, you have to keep in mind the following (see also the lower table):

the weight of the mooring buoy anchor depends on: 1) the weight of the vessel; 2) the surface of the sail; and 3) the nature of the bottom of the water body;
The length of the stern chain (E) is given by the formula: maximum water depth + 1 m. Length of the chain of an open sea mooring buoy is three times the water depth;
The nominal size of the chain is selected according to the weight of the vessel. The nominal size of the shackle is always larger than the size of the chain (the fastening bolts of the shackles must be locked and checked every spring).