全国: | 上海:
    类型 信标, 下锚
    用途 公海, 航道
    材料 聚乙烯
    其他特性 带信号灯


由法国灯塔管理局拥有的 "Chef-de-Baie "号导航船在法国滨海夏朗德地区检查航标浮标。

在他每两年或三年检查一次的300个灯塔中,根据其类别,导航船将MOBILIS JET 2500 FB航道浮标吊在船上,对桅杆、浮筒、结构和系泊线进行维护:清洁、检查链条,必要时更换阳极。

为灯塔当局设计和制造的JET 2500 FB浮标采用了世界上独一无二的创新技术:它的浮筒装有平底钢结构,即使在低潮时也能保持完全稳定。




The “Chef-de-Baie” navaid vessel, owned by French Lighthouse Authorities, inspects beaconing buoys in Charente-Maritime French region.

Among the 300 beacons that he checks every two or three years depending on their category, the navaids vessel hoists on board the MOBILIS JET 2500 FB channel buoys for the maintenance of the mast, the floats, the structure and the mooring line : cleaning , checking the chain and replacing the anodes if necessary.

The JET 2500 FB buoy designed and manufactured for Lighthouses Authorities incorporates an innovative technology unique in the world : its float is fitted with a flat bottomed steel structure which allows it to maintain total stability, even at low tide.

As the photo illustrates, it will remain vertical at low tide, which will preserve the integrity of the buoy and thus preserve sensitive elements (topmarks, lights, etc.).

We select our materials according to very strict high quality criteria allowing easier maintenance in order to ensure longevity and reliability of all its marine equipment.