全国: | 上海:
    应用领域 船用, 摩托艇
    类型 可调节
    其他特性 可运输, 电镀钢



- Roodberg的船架是按照高质量标准开发和制造的,并经过标准的热浸镀锌处理。这保证了它的长寿命,并使码头/船厂看起来很专业。
- Roodberg船架独特的三点式设计是最安全、最稳定的船架,因为所有的侧边支撑都是相互连接的,不能移动,这比单支撑要好。
- 罗德伯格的固定框架式船架是最安全、最稳定的船架,因为所有的侧支撑都是相互连接的,不能移动,这比单支撑要好。
- Roodberg的船架材料是针对风速高达32米/秒(12蒲式耳)计算的,与可选的绑扎带和支撑物结合使用
- 这种摇篮特别适用于帆船
- 聚氨酯垫子系统的角度可以调整,它与船体无缝适应。
- 船只很容易在摇篮上定位,比任何其他类型的摇篮都要快,这要归功于易于调整角度和高度的侧边支架
- 船只可以通过滑道拖车放置在托架上。
- 装在摇篮上的船可以用滑道拖车一起移动
- 摇篮很容易使用叉车运输
- 不用于存放船只时,摇篮很容易堆叠起来



Roodberg has been designing, manufacturing and supplying cradles; supports for boat storage and lifting frames etc. for boats of various sizes and weight classes for over fourty years. Roodberg is the inventor of the worldwide known T-shaped boat cradle which can be transported with all Roodberg slipway trailers.
• - Roodberg boat cradles are developed and manufactured to high quality standards and are standard hot dip galvanised. This guarantees a long life span and gives the marina / yard a professional look
• - The unique three-point design of the Roodberg boat cradle is the safest and most stable boat support because all the side supports are connected to each other and cannot move, this is better than single supports
• - The Roodberg fixed-frame boat cradle is the safest and most stable boat support because all the side supports are connected to each other and cannot move, this is better than single supports
• - Roodberg boat storage material is calculated for wind speeds up to 32 m/s (12 Beaufort), in combination with optional lashing straps and supports
• - This cradle is particularly suitable for sailboats
• - The angle of the polyurethane cushion system, which adapts seamlessly to the hull of the vessel, is adjustable
• - The boat is easy to position on the cradle, faster than with any other type of cradle, thanks to the easily adjustable side supports, both in angle and height
• - The boat can be placed on the cradle using a slipway trailer
• - The boat loaded on the cradle can be moved together using a slipway trailer
• - The cradle is easy to transport using a forklift truck
• - The cradles are easily stackable when not used for boat storage