全国: | 上海:
    发动机类型 舷内, 舷外
    用途 运河
    甲板布置 日光浴
    长度 11.45 m, 14.9 m (37'06")
    宽度 4.49 m (14'08")
    发动机功率 81 kW (110.1 hp)
    吃水深度 0.85 m, 0.95 m (2'09")
    燃料容量 390 l (103 gal)
    淡水容量 335 l (88 gal)
    吃水 2.95 m (9'08")




与H2home相比,H2home巡航版的设计具有复杂的船体形状,具有出色的航行特性和极多的存储空间。标准的Volvo-Penta D2-75发动机(可使用其他或双发动机)确保你可以轻松地移动,而且噪音非常低,这使得该H2home非常适用于长途旅行。由于80厘米的吃水和2.95米的净空,你可以非常舒适地到达水上最美丽的地方。 使用的材料是低维护的。上层建筑是由具有独特设计的绝缘夹层板制成的,与带有双层绝缘安全玻璃的铝框相结合。这使得绝缘值特别高。这使得延长你的划船季节成为可能,并提供了一年四季都呆在H2home的可能性。布局可以完全按照你自己的意愿来填充,所以你可以决定你自己的内部和氛围。也可以将屋顶用作屋顶露台,可能性是无穷的。




The H2home has been developed for pure enjoyment. Designed like a holiday bungalow to explore lakes and canals. The H2home is easily manoeuvrable and therefore for everyone, who really want to enjoy their holidays.

The Pedro H2home Cruise Edition is of course also available in the large version the 1490 (ask for the possibilities).

In contrast to the H2home, the H2home Cruise Edition is designed with a sophisticated hull shape for excellent sailing characteristics and extremely much storage space. The standard Volvo-Penta D2-75 engine (other or twin engines possible) ensures that you can easily move around with a very low noise level, which makes this H2home extremely suitable for longer trips. Thanks to the draft of 80 cm and headroom of 2.95 m, you can reach the most beautiful spots on the water with all comfort. The materials used are low-maintenance. The superstructure is made of insulated sandwich panels with a distinctive design, combined with aluminium frames with double insulating safety glass. This makes the insulation value exceptionally high. This makes it possible to extend your boating season and offers the possibility to stay at the H2home all year round. The layout can be completely filled in according to your own wishes, so you can determine your own interior and atmosphere. It is also possible to use the roof as a roof terrace, the possibilities are endless.

The H2home is characterized by the following features:

Perfect sailing characteristics due to diesel propulsion by means of propeller shaft.
Very low noise level while sailing
Optimal insulation.
Flexible layout.
Lots of storage space.