全国: | 上海:
    船体数量 双体船
    发动机类型 舷内
    发动机燃料 电动
    其他特征 太阳能
    长度宽度 14.8 m (48'06")X4.8 m (15'08")


我们的工作目标是利用现代技术,以环保和节约资源的方式,充分享受水上生活的美丽与宁静。电力驱动没有噪音,全冗余和船首推进器给人一种永不搁浅的安全感,而太阳能电池板和燃料电池则让旅行不受限制。船体长度和宽度经过精心选择,即使在偏远地区,也能轻松通过通常只有 5 米宽的船闸。


船首推进器安装在两个船体上,以简化停靠和下水操作。船首推进器由技术设备的电池组供电,以保持冗余并独立于主驱动器,在紧急情况下,至少在最小的框架内仍可轻松操控。行驶速度由推进功率决定,约为 13.5 公里/小时。


Sustainable, safe and innovative – this technology will also inspire you!
The goal of our work is to use modern technology to enjoy the beauty and tranquility of a life on the water to the fullest in an environmentally friendly and resource-saving way. Electric drives make no noise, full redundancy and bow thrusters give the secure feeling of never being stranded, and solar panels and fuel cells allow unlimited traveling. Hull length and width are deliberately chosen so that you can easily channel locks, which are usually only five meters wide, even in remote areas.

With our electrically powered houseboats, you have a choice of several motor options: either the classic version with built-in motors; rigid drive shafts and rudder blades; or motor gondolas that combine rudder and drive. For added safety, the accumulator banks are equipped with an emergency switch that allows them to be switched to the other drive in case of need. Thus, even in case of a crosswise motor or accumulator failure, you can safely reach the next stage destination with the houseboat.

Bow thrusters are installed in both hulls to simplify docking and casting off maneuvers. The bow thrusters are operated from the battery bank of the technical equipment, in order to remain redundant and independent of the main drive, in an emergency at least in the very smallest frame still easily maneuverable. The driving speed results from the propulsion power and will be about 13.5km/h.