

来源:www.shuishangwuliu.com   时间:2023-05-19 08:35   点击:299  编辑:jing 手机版

1. 保护海洋英文翻译



2、副词:向海面,向海。  offshore  英['ɒfʃɔː;ɒf'ʃɔː]美[,ɔf'ʃɔr]  adj.离岸的;[海洋]近海的;吹向海面的  adv.向海面,向海  [网络短语]  offshore近海的,海面上的,海上  offshoreoutsourcing离岸外包,外外包,国外委外服务  offshorefinance离岸金融,离岸金融业务,离岸银行  双语例句:  1、Whenyoudrilloffshore,youalwayshaveleakage.  当你在海上钻井,总会有泄漏发生。  2、Thebuildingcanaccommodatealloftheoffshoreworkersandprotectthemfromhurricanedamage.  这个建筑能容纳所有的海上工人并且保护他们不受飓风的伤害。  

3、Ifyouhaveoutsourcedoroffshorepartners,areyourstandardspartoftheirservicelevelagreements?  如果您有外包或境外合伙人,那么您的标准是他们的服务等级协议的一部分吗?  

2. 保护海洋的英语怎么写

How to protect earth.



The Earth is our home. So it is important for uo to protect the Earth .


First,we should plant more trees. Trees can make the Earth greener.


Second, we should turn off the light when we leave a room to save energy.


Third, we shouldn’t throw away rubbish here and there. We should put rubbish into dustbins.


We must stop putting waste into rivers and seasto make the Earth cleaner as well.

我们必须停止向河流和海洋排放废物,以使地球更清洁 。

We will die if there isn’t the Earh.Let’s try our best to protect the Earth.


3. 保护海洋的英文宣传语

Marine lives in fish and all kinds of chemical substances,is very important for human.But many people like throwgarbage into the sea,the sea will pollution.Cause fishdeath,water depletion.We should keep our environment,to protect the beautiful sea.

4. 保护海洋的英语句子

Sea pollution is becoming an increasing problem for our planet and we have a responsibility to reduce sea pollution.

  I need to describe the problem. Our ship currently dumps all its rubbish into the sea.It's easy to result in huge endanger. First of all, Non-organic substances such as plastic bags kill fish and whales. Because fish get trapped and whales cannot digest them. Secondly some rubbish is inherently toxic.

  I can suggest some solutions. First and foremost we can create a better system of disposing of rubbish for instance. We ought to store rubbish. Next, we are supposed to make ships environmentally and friendly. A case in point is that we should stop providing plastic bags.

5. 保护海洋英文翻译怎么写

保驾护航bǎojiàhùháng【旧义】保驾:旧指保护皇帝的车驾;护航:护送船只或飞机航行。【新义】泛喻为某事或某人担任保卫工作,使得到保护,能正常地进行或发展。【造句】你就像我们的母亲,在知识的海洋中为我们保驾护航,无论刮风下面,地热天寒,你都孜孜不倦的教导我们努力学习。【近意词】:添砖加瓦【tiānzhuānjiāwǎ】 【释义】:比喻做一些工作,尽一点力量。 【造句】:知识是一座城堡,每个人都应为它添砖加瓦。保驾护航的大致意思是保护某事物,能让其能正常地发展。

6. 保护海洋英文翻译怎么说



7. 保护海洋 英文

大海的英语:sea读音:英 [siː] 美 [siː] n. 海;海洋词汇搭配:

1、command the sea 掌握制海权2、cross the sea 横渡大海3、angry sea 愤怒的海4、blue sea 蔚蓝的海5、at sea 在海上常见句型1、The sea bounds the peninsula on the sides.该岛三面环海。

2、The sea and the sky seemed to blend into each other.大海和蓝天似乎连成了一片。扩展资料:词语用法1、sea的意思是“海,海洋”“海水”,是不可数名词。2、在sea前的专有名词前一般要加冠词the。


8. 保护海洋的英文短语

As we all know the sea food we eat is from the oceans.In the past,the oceans was very clean and beautifull,there were a lot of sea animals in them.But nowadays the oceans is dirty,many sea animals are die.we must keep them clean.We must stop polluting them.The oceans is very important to us!

9. 保护海洋英语翻译

1.减少碳效应 减少您的碳排放出行以控制海洋酸化程度,从而降低对珊瑚礁和海洋生物的危害。

2.了解海产食品 为保护鱼类做贡献,以支持其可持续发展。

3.减少塑料垃圾 减少塑料制品的使用,并且关注塑料用品回收项目,坚决抵制使用一次性塑料品.

4.保护海滩环境 当您离开海滩时带走您的垃圾,并且帮助收走他人遗留的废弃物,积极参与
