

来源:www.shuishangwuliu.com   时间:2023-02-03 19:14   点击:57  编辑:jing 手机版

1. 暖色的海洋

色环中红、橙一边的色相称暖色,能带给人温馨、和谐的感觉。这是出于人们的心理和感情联想。它会使人联想到太阳、火焰、热血等,因此给人们一种温暖、热烈、活跃的感觉。 暖色系:由太阳颜色衍生出来的颜色,红色,黄色,红色、橙色、黄色--为暖色,象征着:太阳、火焰。


灰色、紫色、白色--为中间色; 给人以温暖柔和的感觉,春天色系和秋天色系的人特别适合穿暖色系的衣服,化暖色系的妆。

2. 暖色海洋图片






3. 暖色海洋是谁的泪流淌









色彩可以使人有距离上的心理感觉。黄色有突出背景向前的感觉,青色有缩入的感觉;其排列如下:红色 > 黄色≈橙色 > 紫色 > 绿色 > 青色。








4. 深色的海洋



5. 暖色的海洋歌曲

A sand painting introduction sand painting, as the name suggests, is to use sand painting. Generally speaking, have a picture of good design version above label touch every part of carving out ahead of both knife, commencing in painting do only when using a toothpick will gently lift up, then every part will be like the color of sand onto it will stick adhesive (natural sand. Sand painting combined with modern aesthetics, relying on the profound cultural heritage and culture connotation. Using magic from the natural color, nature by manual and delicate. Works with "bright line" and "soft color" deep thought contained artistic performance for the popularization of beauty, extremely visual impact, reached the unique artistic conception and the perfect combination of ornamental effect. Its unique technique of expression of the abroad. Just as no two identical leaves, like the pure handicraft production colored sand painting, also have uniqueness for high level of manual sand painting with ornamental value and collection value.A sand sand painting it is the origin of Beijing ZhangYuXian old folk old actor from China, one of the oldest art "in its essence cloisonne, after years of research and trial and error, create handicrafts, is folk manual artistic works. China currently has a lot of sand production factory, mostly small workshop, the technique is different, also have different materials. Many factories are using the raw silk is copper or aluminum zinc nickel plated (rose). Because of its color is yellow, so called silk. Besides, colour sand gold is also necessary materials.A sand production1 the simple sand painting production procedures:1 use bamboo to pick the color sticker surface paper shows that after you glue the color suits and above, (usually choose to outline, and dark colored sand)2 shaking evenly gently bang off excess color sand.3 then choose to other parts of the corresponding color on sand.2 simple sand painting production points:1 simple sand production, the key is not color composition, Can give full play to your imagination, create colorful pictures, so don't limit by drawing.2 note adjacent parts color is tie-in. Generally warm and cool colors or brunet with light color matchs together. Warm color: and the sun (near the cool color, the color and the sea: similar),3 first think good overall layout, the area that colour matchs, Then after dark color, lest before dark colored sand covered with light.4 background images with lulu two to three kinds of color, stratified skills to Isaac went out, which could stereo!There is a sand painting is a bottom can illuminate white or transparent plastic hard, and then put tiny sand and above, use your fingers in the drawings. In the bathroom (with us with the fog of glass painting similar) but due to do all of the sand and the bottom fingering and formation of black and white light color, so have a special effect.3 production colored sand preparation:A: prepare color sandColored sand should choose good quality, specifications, colour complies with the state standard of colored sand! Recommend our factory production of colored sand series products, our color sand bright-coloured color, the color more, waterproof, not soluble in alcohol, acid and alkali resistant, uv irradiation, climate change, avirulent environmental protection, and many varieties, grains, can satisfy your different demands of the painting. If you have good quality color, and our products please contact the local agent and sales departments of local distributor, no direct contact with us, please. Don't recommend other color on the market now, now in the market of other color sand color less and less colour does not waterproof, prevent ultraviolet ray, toxic, if contact time is too long and breathing powder is overmuch, for your health will bring serious damage, children and teenagers would not recommend using inferior colored sand, and markets are heavily uranium materials, dyes attribute is bad!Check local distributors and dealers, please visit our web site, our company information in a column can query to!2: glueGlue should be chosen in air drying time suits, not too short too long, bonding glue! If necessary, please contact us! You can also buy glue glass with local and stone with the white and transparent plastic!Don't recommend the coagulation time short and long glue. If the glue solidified in the air, your time is too short to draw and adornment, also not easy on you, if you do a long time, the high cost of painting. With strong smell of glue, we do not recommend use, because a sand painting time is very long, with strong smell and taste the glue is very general toxic, long time contact or smell, but also to your health!Three: brush, PaiBiBrush PaiBi choose several different size, had better specification more, recommend using oil painting brush!Four: wood or other sand painting carrierColor sand suitable for composite board, plastic, in, ceramics, glass, stone, floor, wall, you can fine according to your painting carrier different, choose different kinds of materials. The detailed introduction in the back!Five: frame and other decorative materialsThese will see their own needs.Six: tweezers or pointed metal toolsTweezers or metal tools to modify or decoration, can choose according to the usage of these tools!Seven: pencilRecommend 2B pencils, because more than 2B pencils, in the soft sand or other carrier delineation is very convenient!◆沙画简介 沙画,顾名思义,就是用沙子做画。一般来讲,先有一个画好图案的不干胶摸版上面的每一部分均小刀提前刻出轮廓,做画者只需在做画的时候用一根牙签轻轻将每一部分揭起,然后将喜欢的颜色的沙子倒在上面(不干胶自然会粘住沙子。)沙画结合现代人的审美观,依托深厚的文化底蕴和文化内涵。采用产自神奇大自然的天然彩沙,经手工精致而成。作品以『鲜明线条』和『柔和的色彩』将艺术化所蕴涵的深切思想表现为大众化的美感,极具视觉冲击效果,达到了独特的艺术概念与观赏效果的完美结合。其独特的表现手法深受国内外人士喜爱。就如没有两片完全相同的叶子一样,以纯手工艺制作的彩沙画因同样拥有唯一性,使得高水平的手工沙画同时具有观赏价值和收藏价值。◆沙画起源 沙画据传是由北京民间老艺人张玉先老先生,从中国一门古老的艺术 “景泰蓝” 中汲取其精华,经过多年的研究和反复的试验,创造出的工艺品,是近年来兴起的民间手工艺术作品。中国内地目前有很多沙画制作厂家,大多属于小手工作坊型,其手法各异,原料亦有不同。多数的厂家都采用的原料是氧化铝丝(镀铜丝或镀锌镍丝)。因其颜色为金黄色,故称金丝。除金丝外,彩沙也是必需的原料。◆沙画制作①简单沙画的制作程序:1 用竹签挑去要上色的不干胶表层纸露出胶面后将你认为适合的彩沙撒在上面;(一般先挑去轮廓线,撒上深色的彩沙)2 摇动均匀后轻轻地磕掉多余的彩沙;3 然后再挑去其他部位撒上相应的彩沙。②简单沙画的制作要点:1 简单的沙画的制作不用构图,关键是配色;可以充分发挥自己的想象力,制作出绚丽多彩的画片来,千万不要受画样的限制。2 注意相邻部位的颜色搭配。一般冷色和暖色或深色和浅色配在一块。(暖色:和太阳相近的颜色;冷色:和海洋相近的颜色)3 先想好整体布局,那块区域配那种颜色;然后先深色后浅色,以免深色的彩沙盖住了浅色的。4 背景画面露露提议用两到三种颜色,分层次技巧地撒上去,这样还能出来立体感哪!还有一种沙画是先有一个底部可照亮的白色或透明的胶硬板,然后把细小的沙子撒在上面,用手指在上面画画。(与我们在浴室粘满雾气的玻璃上画画类似)但由于做画者的指法和那沙子与底部亮光形成的黑白的颜色,所以有一种独到的效果。③制作彩色沙画前的准备:一:准备彩色沙彩色沙应该选用质量好,规格多,色彩符合国家标准的彩色沙!推荐我们厂生产的彩色沙系列产品,我们的彩色沙颜色鲜艳,色彩多,防水,不溶于酒精,耐酸耐碱,防紫外线照射,耐气候变化好,无毒环保,品种多,颗粒均匀,可满足您作画的不同要求。若您没有质量好的彩色沙,请和我们产品的当地代理商和经销部联系,当地无经销商的请与我们直接联系。不推荐现在市场上其他的彩色沙,现在市场上其他的彩色沙色彩少,且色彩不防水,更不防紫外线,有毒,如果接触时间过长及呼吸粉末过多,将对您的身体健康带来严重的伤害,儿童和青少年就更不推荐使用劣质的彩色沙了,而且市场上的铀料都是重金属性染料,对人体伤害很大!查询当地的经销商和代理商,请登陆我们的网站,在我们网站的公司信息一栏里可以查询到!二:胶水胶水应该选用在空气中干燥时间适合,不能太短也不能太长,粘结性能好的胶水!如果需要的话,请和我们联系!您也可以在当地购买粘玻璃用的和粘石材用的白色透明的胶!不推荐凝固时间短和凝固时间长的胶水。若胶水在空气中的凝固时间过短,不利于您做画的修改和装饰,也不方便您上沙,若时间长,您做一幅画的成本太高。带强烈气味的胶水我们也不推荐使用,因为做一幅沙画的时间很长,而带强烈气味的胶味一般有很大的毒性,长时间接触或者闻到,也不利于您的身体健康!三:毛刷、排笔毛刷排笔选用几支不同尺寸的,最好规格多一点的,推荐使用油画的画笔!四:木板或者其他的沙画载体彩色沙画适合做在木板、复合板、塑料板、陶瓷、玻璃、石材、地板、墙面上等,您可以根据您做画的载体不同,选用各种不同的材料。详细的在后面有介绍!五:画框等其它装饰材料这些就看自己的需要了!六:镊子或带尖的金属工具镊子或金属工具是为了修改或者装饰用,可根据各人的用法选用此类工具!crazy sand

6. 暖色的海底



