

来源:www.shuishangwuliu.com   时间:2023-02-03 18:32   点击:210  编辑:jing 手机版

1. 海洋英文文稿范文

Sea pollution is becoming an increasing problem for our planet and we have a responsibility to reduce sea pollution.

  I need to describe the problem. Our ship currently dumps all its rubbish into the sea.It's easy to result in huge endanger. First of all, Non-organic substances such as plastic bags kill fish and whales. Because fish get trapped and whales cannot digest them. Secondly some rubbish is inherently toxic.

  I can suggest some solutions. First and foremost we can create a better system of disposing of rubbish for instance. We ought to store rubbish. Next, we are supposed to make ships environmentally and friendly. A case in point is that we should stop providing plastic bags.

  We must act now before it is too late

2. 关于海洋的英文文案


  4. 浅海是一个五彩缤纷的世界,生物沐浴在光亮温暖的海水中;奇妙的小鱼漫游在绚丽的珊瑚丛中,奇异可爱的贝类、海星、水母以及各种颜色的海草,在波浪涌动下翩翩起舞。构成一幅美丽的图画。

3. 海洋英文文稿范文大全


4. 海洋英文ppt







5. 关于海洋的英语资料

1.海,海洋2.海的部分;海水3.内海4.大内陆湖5.海浪;海面状态6.(后跟of)大量;茫茫一片7.(作attrib)在海中(或海边)生活的;在海上(或近海)使用的(经常作为前缀驾于海洋动、植物等名称之前)(sea lettuce 海莴苣)

6. 关于海洋的英文文章

Marine lives in fish and all kinds of chemical substances,is very important for human.But many people like throwgarbage into the sea,the sea will pollution.Cause fishdeath,water depletion.We should keep our environment,to protect the beautiful sea.

7. 海洋英文文稿范文高中

The oceans accounts for 70 % of the Earth's total area , and account for more than 90 % of the Earth's living space . In fact , in the vast ocean world , the ocean affects the climate and weather phenomena on land . A large number of marine animals and plants are an important food source for humans .

The oceans sail between continents and countries of the world , and about half of the world's population lives in coastal areas . Therefore , understanding the world's oceans is extremely important to us .Changes in the Earth's oceans will directly affect our lives on land , so we need to discover these changes earlier . In addition to increasing our understanding of the oceans for security and economic benefits , exploring the ocean floor will also satisfy humanity . Curiosity and desire for unknown knowledge .
