全国: | 上海:
    船体数量 双体船
    用途 巡游
    船舱数量 3舱
    甲板布局 封闭式驾驶舱
    全部长度 54'00"(16.46 m)
    宽度 25'06"(7.77 m)
    位置 11.3 t(12.46 us ton)
    发动机功率 25 ch(25 hp)
    淡水容量 400 l(106 gal)



说 "氧气 "装备精良是一种轻描淡写的说法--她是船厂的第三艘电动双体船,无疑是能力最强的。Torqeedo深蓝系统是电动游艇推进的黄金标准,这是有原因的,因为R6也将采用相同的系统。氧气号是用环氧树脂玻璃建造的,有大量的碳纤维加固和结构,包括整个驾驶室顶和所有的支柱。她的厨房和沙龙的体积比大得多的游艇还要大,而且她有两个前部航行的驾驶舱门和大的后部驾驶舱门,她拥有惊人的流动和能量,当人们从悬空的无支架碳纤维长杆向下移动到她安全的航行操作位置,一直到她巨大的码头般的船尾瓢。


The owners of R5 hull #2 love their boat so much that they have decided to order the first R6 which is currently in design development. As such, the family’s cruising plans have been adjusted while they wait for the R6 to be delivered next year and they’ve asked us to assist in selling Oxygen in the interim. We will be treating the sale as a trade-in and she will be sold with full manufacturers’ support and warranty. Oxygen was launched at the end of 2020 and has been based in Cape Town while the owners have been getting her ready during the strong summer winds for their long term cruising plan. If purchased with Cape Town delivery, there is the possibility of the yard undertaking minor custom work for her new owner while she is in the area.

To say that Oxygen is well equipped is a gross understatement - she is the yard’s third electric catamaran and without a doubt the most capable. The Torqeedo Deep Blue system is the gold standard in electric yacht propulsion, and for good reason as the R6 will be getting the exact same system. Oxygen was built in epoxy eglass with extensive carbon reinforcing and construction, including the entire cabintop and all spars. She has the galley and salon volume of a much larger yacht and with her twin forward sailing cockpit doors together with her large aft cockpit doors, she possesses amazing flow and energy as one moves fore and aft from the overhanging unstayed carbon longeron down the centre via her secure sailing handling position, all the way back to her huge dock like stern scoops.