全国: | 上海:
    船体数量 双体船
    用途 巡游
    船舱数量 2舱
    帆缆索具 补助帆桁
    全部长度 30'00"(9.14 m)
    宽度 5.7 m(18'08" )
    吃水深度 0.99 m(3'02" )
    位置 3 t(3.31 us ton)
    淡水容量 130 l(34 gal)


Palma 30结合了Nicolas Purnu和Jean-Noel Lebrun的专长,前者是Marc Lombard在多船体设计方面的长期合作伙伴,后者的玻璃纤维作品超过了40年。这些游艇是在夏朗德-滨海省(法国)使用导流技术建造的。为了保持它们的轻质和坚固,船体和甲板使用PVC泡沫和乙烯基酯树脂的夹层。




Palma 30的最大吃水是0.99米,她的两个鳍的设计可以让你在lagunas和港口的深处上岸,进一步扩大你的航行范围。






- 开放版是专门用于日间航行的,中间的驾驶舱可容纳10位客人。

- 导航版的特点是有一个PMMA挡风玻璃和大喷罩。甲板沙龙在恶劣天气下可以完全封闭,厨房位于船体的左舷。

- Grand Tourisme版本的特点是在甲板沙龙上有一个硬顶屋顶,其大型U形厨房朝前。


The Palma 30 combines the expertise of Nicolas Purnu, a long-time associate of Marc Lombard for multi-hull design and of Jean-Noel Lebrun, whose fiberglass works span over 40 years. The yachts are built in Charente-Maritime (France) using infusion techniques. To keep them light and strong, hull and deck use sandwich with PVC foam and vinylester resin.

Built for performance

The Palma 30 offers up to 73 m2 for upwind sailing with only 3 tons of MSC displacement. With a wide 5.70 m beam, she is a stiff yacht across all wind conditions.

Flexible navigation plans

The Palma 30 maximum draft is 0,99 m and her two fins are designed to let you beach deep inside lagunas and harbours, further extending your navigation reach.

Great for friends & family cruising

All Palma 30 configurations offer two aft cabins with 1.40m wide double-berths and 1.90 m headroom.

The Navigateur and Grand Tourisme versions may add two smaller cabins forwards. The forwards cabins are accessed directly from the companionways and have 1.20 m wide berths at the head.

The Navigateur version is equipped with one starboard bath while the Grand Tourisme version may have one bath for each hull.

A comfortable deck saloon

- The Open version is dedicated to day sailing, the center cockpit hosts up to ten guests.

- The Navigateur version features a PMMA windshield and large sprayhood. The deck saloon may be completely enclosed in bad weather and the galley is located in the portside hull.

- The Grand Tourisme version features a hardtop roof over the deck saloon and its large U shaped kitchen facing forwards.