全国: | 上海:
    船体数量 双体船
    用途 巡游
    船舱数量 3舱
    甲板布局 尾部开放式
    帆缆索具 补助帆桁
    全部长度 63'00"(19.2 m)
    宽度 29'06" , 31'00"(8.99 m, 9.45 m)
    吃水深度 1.25 m, 1.45 m(4'01" , 4'09" )
    位置 13.5 t, 15 t(14.88 us ton, 16.53 us ton)
    发动机功率 180 ch(180 hp)


您不再需要在以下两种双体船中做出选择:提供舒适性但航行能力差的包租双体船,或舒适性非常有限的高性能双体船。6 级双体船最终为您提供了两种选择。

得益于创新性的中央穿浪装置("Spine Concetp"),您可以在平台上享受到 44 平方米/475 平方英尺的超大居住面积,并可随时定制自己的风格。不仅是空间,这种穿浪装置还能增强安全性,提供更大的浮力,使船首保持向上。

毋庸置疑,O Yachts 在豪华超快双体船领域填补了一个暂时无人问津的空白。它的 6 级游艇将速度、易操控性和安全性融为一体,其生活空间以前仅限于大型巡航艇。

请点击下面的链接,了解选购价格并配置您的 Class 6。您会发现我们的价格也很有竞争力。


Class 6 是 Dan LEVY 和 Laurent BOURGNON 合作的产物。我们希望创造出最大的双体船,专为一对夫妇在没有船长的情况下休假而设计。

安全成为第一要素。"脊柱概念 "是独家答案

脊柱概念 "提供舒适性和安全性

安全性 :




额外的船体。在大风中,Spine 成为第三个船体。




英国 6 级


You no longer need to chose between, Charter catamaran offering Comfort with bad sailing capacities, or Performance catamarans with very limited comfort. Class 6 finally offers both worlds.

Thanks to the innovative central Wave Piercing (“Spine Concetp”), you enjoy an XXL 44m2/475sqft living area on platform, ready to customize your style. More than space, this wave piercing device enhance security, offering more buoyancy to keep the bow up

ʻʼUnquestionably, O Yachts fills an otherwise unoccupied niche – for the moment – in the world of luxurious and ultra fast catamarans. Its Class 6 manages to combine speed, ease of handling, and safety, in a living space previously reserved for big cruising boats.ʼʼ Comment from Multihulls World sea trial

Clic on below link to get option pricing and configure your Class 6. You will realize we are also competitive with pricing..


Class 6 comes from the collaboration between Dan LEVY & Laurent BOURGNON. We wanted create the largest catamaran Designed for a couple to go sabbatical without a skipper.

Security becomes factor #1. “Spine Concept” is the exclusive answer

Spine Concept to offer comfort & security

Security :

Reduce the impact in waves by driving water into the two tunnels wihtout any sharp angle.

Additonal buyancy from the Spine keeps the bow up.

Extra rigidity from full carbon (stern to bow).

Extra hull. The Spine becomes a third hull in gales.

Comfort :

We place the mast ideally centered without scarifying living area.

Greatly improved sea motion

@UK Class 6