全国: | 上海:
    用途 巡游
    船舱数量 2舱
    床位数量 8铺位
    附件 升降龙骨
    帆缆索具 补助帆桁
    全部长度 8.25 m(27'00" )
    宽度 2.55 m(8'04" )
    吃水深度 0.32 m, 1.35 m(1'00" , 4'05" )
    帆面 30 m²(323 ft²)
    发动机功率 3 kW, 6 kW(4.1 hp, 8.2 hp)


Maxus 24 EVO 是极受欢迎的 Maxus 24 型号的后续产品。

evo 系列新的船体线条、功能和造型在 Maxus 26 上得到了验证,在首次展示和一系列独立测试之后,它已在国内外市场上大受欢迎。

Maxus 24 EVO 设计假设。

新款 Maxus 24 EVO 集良好的航海性能、舒适的内部空间、航行安全和运输便利等优点于一身。


设计由著名设计师 Jacek Daszkiewicz 通过三维技术实现,可以精确到毫米的精度控制每一个实施阶段。


he Maxus 24 EVO is the successor to the extremely popular Maxus 24 model.

The new hull line, functionality and styling of the evo series were proven on the Maxus 26, which already became a sales hit at home and in foreign markets after the first presentation and a series of independent tests.

Maxus 24 EVO design assumptions.

● The new Maxus 24 EVO combines the advantages of very good nautics, comfortable interior, safe sailing and transport convenience.

● Proven hull lines ensure high stability, as well as an exceptionally functional and spacious interior.

● The design was realized by well-known designer Jacek Daszkiewicz in 3D technology, which made it possible to control every stage of implementation with accuracy to fractions of a millimeter.