全国: | 上海:
    用途 游览
    帆缆索具 补助帆桁
    其他特性 牵引式, 定制
    全部长度 5.4 m (17'08")


我们的SAILART 17是容易滑倒由于它的轻量级设计和少许草稿。 帆柱可以由一个单身安全地上升和降下。 您其中任一长期不需要一个帮手。

宽U肋骨设计和宽船尾给小船它的稳定。 石碴(主角)位于最大效率的被描出的玻璃纤维船骨。

TBS涂层,自已添加三角帆,石碴船骨,扶手栏杆,篱芭… SAILART 17的标准安全设备规定在这小船大小的标准。


船身和SAILART 17的甲板始终是在三明治结构的修造,是一个前提对于坚硬和轻量级选手。

SAILART 17只是容易由所有情况的一个人处理。

24 sqm上面gennaker是容易处理在微风。

当然, SAILART 17是完全的并且为航行准备好对去。



船身长度5,10 m

长度整体5.40 m

射线2.30 m

草稿0.25/1.00 m

许多w.船骨510 kg

风帆区域14/16 sqm

gennaker 16/24 sqm



Our SAILART 17 is easy to slip due to its light-weight design and little draft. The mast can be securely raised and lowered by a single person as well. You do not need a helping hand any longer.

The wide U-rib design and the wide stern give the boat its stability. The ballast (lead) is located in the profiled fibreglass-keel for maximum efficiency.

TBS-coating, self-tacking jib, ballast keel, handrails, fence… the standard safety equipment of the SAILART 17 sets standards in this boat size.

The space in the cockpit, the cabin and in the storage cabinets is huge.

The hull and the deck of the SAILART 17 are build in sandwich structure throughout, which is a prerequisite for rigidity and light weight.

The SAILART 17 is easy to handle by only one person in any situation.

Even the 24 sqm top-gennaker is easy to handle in light winds.

Of course, the SAILART 17 is complete and ready-to-go for sailing.

In addition to the extensive standard equipment we can equip your custom boat with almost any equipment.

Technical data

hull length 5,10 m

length overall 5.40 m

beam 2.30 m

draft 0.25/1.00 m

mass w. keel 510 kg

sail area 14/16 sqm

gennaker 16/24 sqm

CE-category C