全国: | 上海:
    用途 运动龙骨船, 统一设计组别
    材料 玻璃纤维
    帆船等级 ISAF
    其他特性 不可浸没, 行动不便人士, 带有压舱物
    全部长度 4.2 m (13'09")
    宽度 0.85 m (2'09")
    吃水深度 1 m (3'03")





帆的面积。7 平米



质子号是根据国际2.4米R级规则设计和制造的。这个级别的帆船在世界范围内是很有名的。有了 "质子 "号,你可以参加该级别的许多比赛。



在 "质子 "号的研究和开发过程中,顶级的人体工程学解决方案是设计师关注的重点之一。舵手的座椅可以向前和向后调整,后扶手的角度也可以单独调整。所有的索具绳索都是触手可及的,它们被系在一起非常容易和安全。由于有双系统的方向盘踏板或位于舵手前面的手控舵,舵的控制非常容易。舵机踏板有独特的双重调整系统,踏板的角度和与舵手座位的距离都可以调整。



Hull length: 4.2 m

Hull width: 0.85 m

Draught: 1 m

Sails area: 7 sq. m

Mass: 260 kg

Crew: 1 person

The Proton has been designed and manufactured according to the International 2.4 mR class rules. This Class is well-known in the worldwide sailing. With the Proton you can take part in numerous regattas of that class.

The Proton is ideal also for the helmsmen of the other Classes to train regatta tactics as well as to improve sailing technique. It is caused by the fact that this keelboat gives wide possibilities of rigging adjustment and such training does not require numerous crew.

Sailing by the Proton is extremely exciting. The keelboat is very fast and handy. High inclinations and helmsman's head situated just over the waterline bring unforgettable experience of sailing.

Top level of ergonomic solutions was one of main designer's attention in the process of Proton research and development. The helmsman's seat is forward and backward adjustable and the angle of backrail is adjusted separately as well. All the ropes of rigging are accessible within reach and they are belayed very easily and securely. Rudder controling is very easy thanks to dual system of rudder pedals or hand-operated tiller located in front of helmsman. The rudder pedals have unique double adjustment system where both angle of pedals and their distance from helmsman's seat can be adjusted.

The Proton has very durable hull made of glass reinforced plastic and specially strengthened structure which guarantees full safety. The keelboat is uncapsizable thanks to keel filled with lead and unsinkable because she has the flotation tanks filled with foam material.