全国: | 上海:
    用途 巡游
    船舱数量 2舱
    床位数量 6铺位
    附件 双舵
    帆缆索具 补助帆桁
    其他特性 双舵轮
    全部长度 13.3 m (43'07")
    宽度 4 m (13'01")
    吃水深度 0.8 m, 2.7 m (2'07")
    位置 11.34 t (12.5 us ton)
    发动机功率 57 ch (57 hp)
    吃水 18.5 m (60'08")
    燃料容量 310 l (82 gal)
    淡水容量 325 l (86 gal)


42号的特点是高度发达的摇摆式龙骨,使其能够在几乎任何水域自由航行。龙骨放下后,深吃水可以快速、认真地巡航。只要 "按一下按钮",龙骨就可以升起,以获得仅0.84米(3英尺)的浅吃水--非常适合在浅水区探险。

新Southerly 42拥有一个令人印象深刻的风帆计划,以实现强大的迎风性能。高大的分体式船架带有后掠式双帆,结合了自粘式收帆和大主帆的单线收拢。对于逆风航行,可选择从船头桅杆上挂出一个代码帆。





The 42 features the highly developed Swing Keel which gives the freedom and versatility to sail in almost any waters. With the keel lowered, the deep draft makes for fast, serious cruising. At the ‘touch of a button’ the keel can be raised to give a shallow draft of just 0.84m (3 feet) – perfect for shallow water exploring.

The New Southerly 42 boasts an impressive sail plan, for powerful windward performance. The tall fractional rig with swept back double spreaders, combines a self tacking furling jib and large mainsail with single line reefing. For off-wind sailing an optional code sail can be flown from the bowsprit.

The forward part of the cockpit is deep and wide with generous,

comfortable seating. The cockpit sole is the correct width to provide leg bracing from the cockpit table when heeled and coamings are gently sloped outward for further comfort. The cockpit table with folding leaves offers dinette facilities, whilst providing a convenient hand rail when the yacht is heeled. A double walkway around the table keeps the cockpit clear for easy access. The aft part of the cockpit is designed to give the helmsman the very best position to helm from. Foot wells for bracing, and comfortable seating, both behind and outboard of each helm station offer safety at sea, whilst twin wheel positions give a clear view to the bow on either tack.

The mainsheet control lines are fed back to both helmsman’s stations, allowing the yacht to be easily managed. The steering is direct with minimum backlash and semi-balanced twin rudders to give instantly responsive steering and precise directional stability. The transom is open with integral steps to give easy access to the cockpit.