全国: | 上海:
    用途 巡航竞赛, 游览, 帆船比赛, 运动龙骨船
    船舱数量 2舱
    材料 玻璃纤维
    附件 升降龙骨
    其他特性 牵引式, 风帆驱动, 电动推进, 家庭, 油电混合动力推进
    全部长度 8.5 m (27'10")


我们提出了一个尖端的设计,享受所有的功能,使我们的帆船独一无二的船。 我们理解今天的航海家,我们为我们的时代开发了理想的船。

Z28DS 是一款适合喜欢去航行的人的工艺-站在甲板上,感受风。

它显示了优雅和运动线条,实现了多功能性、舒适性和安全性之间的完美平衡。 完美尺寸的内饰,具有简约风格和高度舒适的特点。

这种模式在 28 英尺的区段内非常出色,因为它提供了最大的安全性,但保持了一个日游船的简单性。

由于这些优势,Z28DS 获得了无与伦比的价格/质量/长度比,从而在市场上获得了优异的地位。

Z28DS 提供, 像船厂设计和建造的所有帆船, 升降龙骨和舵的明确优势, 增加了航行的日子,并给我们能够始终离开和返回到系泊的确定性. 对于那些谁在更友好的水域航行,我们还提供固定的草稿版本。 此外,它的 Z28R 版本配置了一个纯粹的赛车血液,将说话。



We present a cutting-edge design to enjoy all the features that make our sailboats unique boats. We understand today's navigators, and we have developed the ideal boat for our times.

Z28DS is a craft for people who love to go sailing - to stand on the deck and feel the wind.

It shows elegant and sport lines, achieving a perfect balance between versatility, comfort and security. Perfect-size interiors, with minimalist style and high comfort features.

This model is remarkable within the 28-foot segment, as it offers maximum security but maintains the simplicity of a daysailer.

As a result of these advantages, Z28DS gets an unbeatable price/quality/length ratio, thus obtaining an excellent position in the market.

The Z28DS offers, like all sailboats designed and built by the shipyard, the definitive advantage of the lifting keel and rudder, characteristic that increases the days of navigation and gives us the certainty of being able to always leave and return to the mooring. For those who sail in friendlier depth waters, we also offer the fixed draft version. In addition, its Z28R version configures a pure racing blood that will speak.

The raw materials we use (for this and our entire range of boats) are world class premium quality, being this one of the reasons why our customers are loyal to our brand.