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传统型华美快速帆船FRIENDSHIP 40(设计优良)
    用途 传统型
    全部长度 12.58 m (41'03")


友谊40条游艇无缺点被设计,快速,在华美之外,并且被建立对完美的绝对无敌的质量。 在豪华玩具世界,有小船,并且有游艇; 友谊为知道区别的那些人被做。

在2001年,当特德Fontaine开始了Friendship Yacht Company,他提出了对市场一条独特的游艇,概念被复制了的一,但是绝不合计。 对细节的专家的技巧和仔细关注显示小船被制造了的superyacht质量。 handcraftsmanship和经典小船大厦的一只美好的眼睛历史悠久的方法是明显的在这条小船-表现的一套大,强有力的船具第一视域加上一个单独的设定,友谊40个风帆用一只近的不费力的手(或手指)的舒适在舵。 在景气furling的扼要由在舵手的脚的二个按钮控制。 furling有电绞盘的路辗热那亚在轮子的任一边在航行十足的喜悦使成为可能松劲和浸泡。


The Friendship 40 yachts are impeccably designed, fast, beyond gorgeous, and built to an absolutely unmatched quality of perfection. In the world of luxury toys, there are boats and there are yachts; the Friendship is made for those who know the difference.

In 2001, when Ted Fontaine started the Friendship Yacht Company, he presented to the market a unique yacht, one whose concept has been copied, but by no means equaled. The expert craftsmanship and careful attention to detail display the superyacht quality to which the boat has been built. Time honored methods of handcraftsmanship and a fine eye for classic boat building are apparent at first sight of this boat -a large, powerful rig for performance coupled with the ease of a single-handed set-up, the Friendship 40 sails with a near effortless hand (or finger) at the helm. An in-boom furling main is controlled by two buttons at the helmsman’s feet. The roller furling genoa with electric winches at either side of the wheel make it possible to sit back and soak in the pure and simple joys of sailing.