全国: | 上海:
    用途 巡游
    船舱数量 3舱
    床位数量 6铺位, 8铺位
    帆缆索具 补助帆桁
    其他特性 双舵轮
    全部长度 11.5 m (37'08")
    宽度 3.4 m (11'01")
    吃水深度 1.5 m, 1.95 m (4'11")
    帆面 59 m² (635 ft²)
    发动机功率 29 ch (29 hp)


诺斯曼造船厂自 2007 年开始建造 33 英尺以上的游艇。该船体长度的第一艘游艇是 Maxus 33,建于 2007 年。Maxus 33。在成功首航并获得好评后,该游艇于 2011 年进行了改头换面。除其他外,这艘游艇还拥有现代的外形、更高效的索具和更好的性能。自 2011 年起,该游艇的新功能名称为 Maxus 33.1RS,该游艇一经推出便获得了众多奖项。

15 年后,我们决定在这一领域推出一款全新的产品,其设计不同于以往的设计,但仍具有巡航艇的特点。宽敞的内部空间、照明设备、隐藏大部分绳索的双层顶篷、两个方向盘以及引人入胜的现代船体线条,这些都是首先吸引眼球的元素。

Maxus 35 是海洋级巡洋舰,设计类别为 A。


Northman Shipyard has been building yachts over 33 feet since 2007. The first yacht of this hull length was the Maxus 33, built in 2007. Maxus 33. After a successful premiere and positive reception, it underwent a facelift in 2011. This gave the unit, among other things, a modern shape, more efficient rigging and better performance. Since 2011, the new functioning name of the yacht is Maxus 33.1RS, which hit the market receiving many awards already during its premiere.

After 15 years, we decided to introduce a complete novelty in this segment, with a design that differs from previous designs, but still with the character of a cruiser. Spacious interiors, a lighted mess, a double canopy hiding most of the ropes, two steering wheels and an intriguingly modern hull line are just some of the elements that draw attention first.

Maxus 35 is a cruiser in the ocean class, design category A. It comes in the following versions: long L-shape keel and short L-shape keel.